
SKU: 5963 Category:


Tired of looking for that elusive Walthers BF Pipe Kit to extend your BF piping? Use this adapter to transition from the Walthers (Trix) metric pipe size to 7/8″ Evergreen Scale Models or Plastruct tubing and our 7/8″ flanges and elbows. Make life easier, and less costly. Adapter has center hole for 3/16″ Rare Earth Magnet, so you no longer have to glue all your piping in place. Simply superglue a rare earth magnet into the provided hole, and a slug of steel or a washer into the end of your tubing, and use this simple method to connect pipes. Makes moving models easier, and cleaning a snap. A boss on the bottom provides a place to erect a pipe support bent (also available without boss). And a Carrie Furnace style manhole makes it easy for your workers to inspect the pipe if necessary.