

LPG (Liquid Propane Gas) tanks are a staple in a rural farm scene, as well as in some rural towns at every home. Used for domestic heating and cooking gas in areas where natural gas is not offered, these tanks have been around forever. Use these as a flatcar load (Use AAR Open Car Manual Sec.4, Fig. 14), as a commodity that your small industry is producing, or as a scenery finisher for that farmhouse or rural structure. Available in 250 gal., 500 gal. and 1000 gal. in HO, 1/64, 1/48


250 gal. set of 3, 500 & 1,000 gal set of 2 in HO and 1/64

Sold Ea. in 1/48



250 Gal. 1.080 x 0.346

500 Gal. 1.368 x 0.430

1000 Gal. 2.22 x 0.470


250 Gal. 1.463 x 0.467

500 Gal.  1.854 x 0.583

1000 Gal. 3.00 x  0.637



250 Gal. 1.957 x 0.625

500 Gal. 2.479 x 0.779

1000 Gal. 4.023 x 0.852


*250 gal. and 500 gal. tanks are solid as they are meant to help weight a smaller flatcar.

*1000 gal. tanks select hallow or solid.


*Car, paint, strapping, bass wood not included.


Additional information


HO, 1/64, 1/48


Hollow, Solid


250 Gal., 500 Gal., 1000 Gal.