

Appropriately sized coke for your load forms in both Blast Furnace and Commerical/Residential load sizes.


Please note, due to the expense of buying actual coke for crushing into scale load size media, lava rock is being used. The color is very close (coke is never the same color as it’s based on where the coal comes from, and what chemistry that coal is. Real coke is anywhere from battleship grey to almost black.) The color, consistence, and being slightly porous makes this media very close, and suitable for the purpose of generating loads.

Select Blast Furnace Coke (HO), or Commercial / Residential Coke (In HO, this is great for Blast Furnace Coke in N Scale.)

10 oz. bag.

Additional information


Blast Furnace Coke (HO), Commercial / Residential Coke (HO, Blast Furnace N Scale)