

The load for which ACMX400 and 401 were built to transport. The condenser shell was transported via 400 and 401, with the actual condenser packs being transported in crates via rail, and then assembled into the shell at the power plant.


Load includes shell, 3/16 H Beam load bolsters, and instructions. Please note, after literally years of research looking for plans, prints, or other photographs (only one exists, the day of the first shipment), it’s been determined that only one photograph of these shells exists, and it only shows one end and one side. the end of the shell with the large opening on the model, and the side with the two fitting caps is a “best guess” after conferring with modern technicians and repairmen, as to what those sides would look like. The large opening is apparently how the condenser packs are loaded or serviced.


HO Only

Craftsman kit, requires paint and assmebly.