Custom Design Work is available, including Custom CAD designing and Printing Services.

~ CAD Design Work Fee is $50/hr., with an initial deposit of $250 that is non-refundable. 

~CAD Files can be provided ranging from $500.00-$1,000.00 at the end of the project. These files will be provided in .stl file format.

~Custom Printing fees are based on the complexity of the design, machine time, and materials used.

~As with many 3D Printing companies, we have practices and policies that are unique and, therefore, proprietary to ours. The methods we use for supporting models, as well as printer settings, are proprietary. These supporting methods and printer settings are our intellectual property and are not for sale. At no time, or for any monetary amount, do we provide or sell supported files for your printer.

~Custom orders in bulk, custom models as singular production pieces, and multiple part production runs will be invoiced at the time of order. These parts will not be manufactured until those invoices are paid in full. Accepted payment methods for these types of orders are cash (in person if you live close enough to do so), Postal Money Orders, and Bank Money Orders. We politely request that you DO NOT mail us cash. If mailing a Postal Money Order or Bank Money Order, please send them CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT so that you are able to track your payment while en route. This will ensure we both have a record of it when it arrives at our location.

~CUSTOM ORDERS IN BULK, CUSTOM MODELS AS SINGULAR PRODUCTION PIECES, AND MULTIPLE PART PRODUCTION RUNS ARE NOT RETURNABLE OR REFUNDABLE. Items are to be inspected before removing them from our property. Any defect from manufacture will be remanufactured and provided for pick up or shipped to your location free of charge.